Monday, May 21, 2012

Japan #2


Japan #2, a set on Flickr.

Second Set of Pictures from Japan

Japan #1


Japan #1, a set on Flickr.

First Set of Pictures from Japan

Moshi Moshi

KITAKYUSHU IS YOKATTA (good) This week we have not dont much. We had cleaning checks this last Thursday, and because the last 3 sets of Elders before us didnt do any cleaning (for like 6 monthes), we spent about 2 1/2 days cleaning haha crazy right? Monday : Cleaning / Mothers Day Call / Cleaning / Nakatsu Elders stayed the night for District meeting (Mitton and Barrus 長老) Tueday : We had district meeting with the 北九州 (kitakyushu) district. Then afterwards I went on junkai (splits) with one of the Yahata elders, Unice 長老. We arrived in Yahata and did some 伝道 (dendo). We taught two lessons and visited one LARC (Less active member). Then we ended the day with 英会話 (eikaiwa!!) We played scattergories and then a fun sentence game. All-in-all it was way fun! Afterwards we headed back to the apato and just swapped some stories and then we headed off to bed. Wednesday : We woke up, worked out, 個人楽手 (personal study), then we headed beack to 北九州。 We had Junkai review and then we all headed back to our homes. Villalobos  長老 and I then spent the rest of the day cleaning the apato. Thursday : Judgement Day... WE PASSED!! The people who came and checked the apato our called the Christensen fufu (couple). They were in Villalobos` old district so they are way good friends with him. We all went out to dinner afterward and then we headed to the Church for our 英会話. We taught, and then we had a Mexican Night. We made Quesdillas for all of the students (Because they dont have cheddar cheese or tortillas or any kind of mexican food in 日本. They loved it!! We also made some Horchata as well and they couldnt get enough of it. That night we got a call from Mitton 長老 and he asked if we could come have an emergency Junkai so that him and Villalobos 長老 could talk with the bishop in Nakatsu and work out some problems that had come up in ward. SO.... Friday : We went to Nakatsu. And we Bean Dendo`d. And it was とても大変 (totemo taihen) (very rough). Barrus 長老 and I talked to 16 people, and only taught 1 lesson but hey, not bad for beans desho? (right?) We basicallywalked around for 5 hours and tried to talk to people, only those 16 actually stopped, and only one wanted to keep talking after we said who we were haha. But hey, it was great!! After the whole day we headed back to the Nakatsu apato (which is on top of the church) and we went downstairs to a English Book of Mormon reading class. All of the students were very kind and they all complemented me on my 日本語 (Japanese) haha people are very nice when they see me try to make an effort haha. Afterwards we headed to bed. Saturday : We headed back to 北九州 and went straight to 英会話. We taught the students and then afterwards everyone was leaving except for this lady named Maeyumi-san who is about 36 with two young kids and this one Korean girl whos name I cant remember (It was her first time coming to class). They met each other for the first time that day and were already good friends. We were leaving and they asked a little about the church building and if they could have a tour and we said ofcourse! So we walked them around downstairs and Upstair and just as we were about to head downstairs Maeyumi said `I have kinda a weird question for you guys, and I dont know if you gys know, but whats the purpose of life?` And we were like `やった!!` (score!!) . We talked to her for a bit with the korean girla dn they both wanted to meet again!! Maeyumi has been coming for a while but she usually comes and then leaves early so see never talks with us but yeah, saturday she did!! It was great!! Sunday : Study Time / and Church and then we went to a fun Priesthood thing at our dendoshunin`s house. We played games and all just got to know each other better ( a student from eikaiwa even came!) But yeah, it was way fun!! Lots of random stories so I wont share them all haha. Dad = Since Ive been in 北九州 ive probably riden the train at least 30 times haha. Because everything is so spread out. I dont have to take them for district meeting because we meet at the church in our area but the rest of the elders in our district have to. We ride bikes everywhere as well. Just Saturday we rode our bikes an hour to Tashiro Shimai`s house to bring her dinner haha it was pretty fun.  Im gonna keep sending cards but you guys really need to send em back. I only have 2 left because ive been sended them and I havent got anything back. I gave a little jikoshokai (introduction) my first sunday in church and shared a scriptures and talked about it haha it was way kowai! (scary). They usually always Villalobos and I to pray at the meetings as well. Members are awesome!! They are really starting to open up and ask us if they can come teach wuith us!! Villalobos 長老 said that they were not like this at all last transfer. They are inviting us to parties where they are bringing friends that they want us to teach and everything!!! Its so great!! The language is a little bems (bemiru, slang for missionaries, it means sketchy haha.) but you know it coming. It was a reall eye opener teaching with Barrus 長老 and not having someone to back me up when I dont know what to say in Japanese, it made me really stretch in the language and I realized I can say a lot more than I thought. I got a piece of paper that said I got a package but in Japan if your not home when a packagae comes they wont leave it, you have to call and tell them to redeliver it. So we did and I should get it today around 2. It said it was from Lake Point, so Im guessing that was you guys. Well I hope everyones good!! I love you Dad, Mom, Jamie, Shelby, Meri, Grace and Sophie, and big sweetie dog thing!! Aishiteiruyo!! 愛しているよ! I love you (in a cool way!) haha Alma 26:26 呼んでください! (Please read!!)