I have been kind of lazy posting videos and pictures so I'm making up for it now! Here are some neat videos of the country and some of the elders in Sam's district.
SO yeah guess what? Turns out that this week turned out to be even more crazy than the last two haha. Ill start with Tuesday. We all gathered in Kitakyushu for district meeting where Elder Mitton had told us that he had finally gotten the news that he would end up be returning to America. The Hospitals here in Nihon were going to take him and check him in for a week but the american doctors who have been working with the nihon doctors told them no way. So the next altenative was for him to go home. We had a normal district meeting and then we went and did some stuff with Elder Mitton in Kokura. He wanted to get some clothes and some different stuff before he headed home. So afterwards Villalobos 長老 and I headed with Mitton and Barrus back to Nakatsu.
Wednesday Packing day. Mitton had a ton of stuff to pack and we helped him throughout the day. Eventually the Yahata 長老たち came and they helped us with that Eikaiwa that night. Elder Mitton was supposed to travel alone to Fukuoka and Villalobos and Morris 長老 were going to go back to Kitakyushu. So they all went to the train station and Unice Barrus and I stay in Nakatsu........FOR THE NEXT 7 DAYS!!!!!
Seriously right now Im writting my email and I havent seen my actual bed in a week.
Nothing really happened throughout the week we spent a lot of time cleaning up the apartment due to the huge rain storms and floods (ill talk about that later haha). But all in all I guess it was an ok junkai.
So.. its been raining a lil bit. And by a little I mean water is coming down mountains into rivers and destroying peoples homes.. Its pretty crazy. Its not actually in my area its in Nakatsu which is in Oita-ken so im way far from it in Kitakyushu. Me, Unice, Barrus, Villalobos, Morris, Kopenen, and Kurose 長老 were all part of a ``Mormon Helping Hands `` activity. We split into two groups. One went to the river to move debress and to help people and there homes, while the other helped a member who lived by the river to get the water in out of his home. I have some pictures but the computer that I am using doesnt let me send pictures. I basically spent 8 hours under a house with a bunch of Japanese men shoveling buckets of water and trying to syphin water out of peoples homes. It was nutz. If you get the chance you should google these floods. its pretty intense. I think that 14 people have died due to floods on the roads and people being swept into the river. Its very sad. But dont worry im no where near it, anymore.
BUT man.
Crazy stuff back home too!!
Mom?!?! Why`d that kid do that?!?! Did you drop him afterwards?? haha Im sorry he hurt you. Do you think that it has done anything to you? Like are you going to go to the hospital again?
Jamie. Dude... that blows. 小がないけれども。。。。。I thought it was funny what you said at the end though. About how you lost all fear of girls on the misson haha. Man you playa. I can just tell from your emails and from talking to you on the phone that youre way more mature.Its cool man. Im happy for you. Go find a lady friend. 彼女を見つけなさい!!!But your`e not allowed to get married until Im home so... 結婚がだめでしょう!I think it will be way good for you to date tons of people!! いろいろな女性たちをダトしなさい!!!!But whatever you do just have fun!! 楽しんでください!! Dang Forrest is home huh?? How was his homecoming man? I saw the pic of you Jacob and Forrest. You all are mecha (めちゃ freaking) old. Do you guys just speak in Spanish with one another? I bet its a riot to hear you 3 together. Man.....everyone is just so old I wanna see em haha.
Sophie still sounds like a punk haha.
Mom, Mitton`s mom asked me to say thank you for calling. Mitton called his parents last week and his mom said she was very grateful. I really miss Mitton. Hes such a sick kid. He has so much dendo fire. He sent Barrus 長老 an email about being back home in america and said he was walking on the street and felt uncomfortable asking people for directions so he found the only Japanese person he could and asked him haha. I love Mitton. He is supposed to come back after he recovers from surgery so maybe we can be in the same district again =)
Well, Transfer 2 is ending tomorrow. And I have learned a lot this transfer. We were at Nakatsu`s church this last week and we were talking about ``Ture Conversion``. That just knowing of something and being totally committed to that. I have been thinking about that a ton. And I have never seen any other great examples since I have been here. For example Elder Mitton. The guy never thinks about himself. The entire time through all of the doctor visits and through all of the tests he was always saying that he wished he could just stop his dendo clock right now so he wasnt wasting his mission time, so when he returned he would have more dendo time. I was thinking ``Dude!! You might have cancer!! Thats mecha serious!!`` But the whole time all he could only think about was dendo. Even when he was sick he was like man.. I wanna go talk to people. I love that. And then also yesterday with the Helping Hands activity. These members who were helping one another and doing all they could for some one else was amazing. There were people from the Fukuoka stake who had come and had no idea who Kai kyodai was. They just knew he needed help. So they came 2 hours from Fukuoka in order to save his house. Thats amazing. Japanese people will never stop amazing me. When they believe in something the will hold to it and do everything that they possibly can to fulfill it. Members are such a great 証 of that. They just are fully convered to the gospel, in a part of the world that is just vile and evil. There are so many awful things that happen here, but these people overcome. Because they have the gospel. I love those people.
I hope you all have a cool week. It just started pouring rain and I dont have my raincoat so that sucks haha. しょうがない。